Reasons to be cheerful!

Reasons to be cheerful!

It is International Day of Happiness and we want to highlight some of the amazing things that there are to be happy about!

Whether day-to-day events that go unnoticed, or global action that is changing the world, we want to showcase some of the wonderful things taking place both across the globe and right on our doorstep.

Plus, the Retrospecced team had a think about what has been making us happy recently...

Given the current state of the world, it is easy to feel down or lost.

However, there are many reasons to be cheerful! And where better to start than with the amazing charities we work with!


Vision Aid Overseas do incredible work and they have not let the pandemic stop them. They recently shared Isatu's story - a schoolgirl from the Kenema district of Sierra Leone. She has big dreams of going to university but she was struggling to see and finding it hard to do her school work as a result.

Luckily, Isatu’s school was taking part in the VAO Child Eye Health scheme. Her teacher screened her vision, she saw a visiting Eye Health Team, and then she got the glasses she needed!

"The one biggest change since wearing my glasses is that I am now able to read and write well, and good interaction with my friends


Lions Club have also shared some happy news.

Marty Knight has been a Lion for several decades after losing his sight at just 21. He has dedicated his life to helping others and has never let his disability stop him from making others happy.

"My fellow Lions <...> told me that many people who were contributing to our cause were smiling at me because they understood that here I was - a blind person, working to help others with vision-related issues <...> Perhaps this inspired them to think about their own sight, and what it really means to see”

Hearing about the incredible work going on all over the world has made our team feel very happy and it has got us thinking about the small things that bring smiles to our faces.

Here are some of the things keeping our team cheerful...


"I am happiest when I am outside and by - or in! - the sea. I also love being with my family so I can't wait to be reunited with them soon. For the most part though, I am happiest when the dog does funny things"


"Some of the little things that make me happy are a good morning stretchy yoga session and finding an absolute bargain in a charity shop"


"Lockdown has made me appreciate all the fun things I can do at home like baking! I am also very happy when making things out of materials that would have otherwise gone to waste"


"The thing making me happiest at the moment is getting out on a walk and playing with my dog Dougie!"


"I am at my happiest when I am surrounded by family or outside riding my beautiful horses"

Thanks for reading! We hope you find a way to celebrate International Day of Happiness - whether big or small!


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