Sustainability tips for Festivals

Sustainability tips for Festivals

The August Bank Holiday weekend is upon us, and whilst the weather may have us thinking it’s the end of September, it is believe it or not, the height of summer. There’s still time to dance in your wellies yet!

Sustainability is becoming more of a concern and priority for us all as we learn more and more about the effects our disposable lifestyles have on the planet. However, one area that we have all historically struggled with keeping green is our favourite summer activity – festivals!

Even if you have never been to a festival before, we’ve all seen those infamous pictures of hundreds of abandoned tents and rubbish left strewn across fields that take forever and a day to clear up. The familiar headlines hit the news around this time every year with the Guardian reporting that it is estimated on average, “as many as 250,000 tents are left behind at music festivals across the UK every year.”

Abandoned tents after Reading Festival in 2018 (photo: the Metro)

However this year it is reported that 99% of guests took home their tents from this year’s Glastonbury. How amazing is that?! So perhaps this is now set to change. So if you too want to be greener in a slightly muddy and melodic field near you then we have some tips…

Metal Straws – We are all well versed now on why these are a great alternative to their plastic counterparts but what’s so great is that they very easily fit into your pocket or bum bag, so there are no excuses to not stylishly and sustainably drink your warm and overpriced cocktails!

Re-usable stainless steel water bottle – Everyone knows it’s key to stay hydrated at a festival. Whether your festival fuel happens to be a warm tea or a cold brew why not take a stainless steel water bottle so you’re set for both?

Biodegradable glitter – If you have ever worn glitter you know how hard it is to get it off, it stays with you for weeks – so imagine what this does when in contact with the environment. This way you can still shine bright at no cost to the planet.

Dress Up – We all love to go all out at this time of year, however if you’re dressing up why not source your “wavy garms” from a charity shop instead of spending £30 on a novelty all-in-one you will never wear again before chucking it away?

Burnt Soul Clothing make amazing onesies out of recycled fishing nets and plastic bottles. Even better - scour Ebay or Depop for fab pieces!

Sunglasses – If the sun does decide to show up, it is wise to take a pair of sunglasses. However to have a one-off pair unique to you, well that just gets you extra brownie points. You can turn any of Retrospecced’s designer or unique retro frames into sunglasses, all you need to do now is choose!

Upcycled Retrospecs with polarised lenses at Glastonbury 2017!

Have fun! And take a look at our range of upcycled frames here - don't forget, we can customise them with any lenses you like! Check out the pricing matrix at the bottom of our homepage for more detail.


Thanks to the lovely Paris Richardson for this blog!


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